Here's a pic to help you visualize how many people already visit UVioO every day:
With over 600 million Facebook
members, 180 million people on Twitter, 100 million members on Linkedin,
80 million on MySpace and hundreds of thousands of new members joining
social networking websites every day, sharing videos from one another,
there's virtually no limit to how much money you can make.
You just can't go wrong when combining video sharing with social networking.
UVioO is right where the trend is
right now. So your income grows really fast. There's a lot of money to
be made in this industry and we're making it simple enough for you to
start making money (If you've already clicked on the Share button,
you've seen how easy it is, you've already started earning!).
Videos are viral. People share them from one another.
After sharing just a few videos, money comes in automatically, easily.
You'll see!
We'll notify you by email
everytime you make money! Prepare yourself to receive many emails
confirming how much you've made. This will happen several times a day.
Starting just a few hours after
posting a few videos, there will be amounts in the range of $0.08,
$0.22, $0.48 coming in sporadically and $1s, $5s, $10s, as well as up to
$20s being made available with simple actions.
Make sure to open and read each
and every email because they will tell you how to quickly acquire extra
rewards. You'll soon feel like you're playing some kind of game reaching
Checkpoints and acquiring Gold Positions along the way!
It's a lot of fun where your goal is to make more money along the 4 maps!
And it all starts with sharing videos!
Let's start!
The first thing you need to do to start making money is to
1. Install your toolbar.
2. Edit your paycheck profile (tell us where you want us to send all your paychecks).
3. Share videos every day.
4. Come take a look at your
earnings every day. Many times you'll need to take action to avoid
losing a bonus that just came in.
Most of the time, you have 24 hours to