Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Prophecy is widely mistaken in today's world. Prophecy is two fold...that which depicts the future and the love (charity/prophesies) we return to God, reciprocated from the Truth He has given us through His government (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers) that are in Covenant with Him. All else is knowledge that Satan has put into the world to keep us distracted from the Truth and God has authorized it for those that refuse covenant and God's grace.

My Charity To The Lord

"JESUS SAID UNTO Him (Moses), Thou shalt LOVE the LORD thy GOD with ALL thy HEART (with FAITH present), and with ALL thy SOUL (with a WILL to SERVE), and with ALL thy MIND (to STUDY the SCRIPTURES), and with ALL thy STRENGTH (with PROPER SACRIFICES): THIS IS THE FIRST AND GREAT COMMANDMENT." Matthew 22:37 Mark 12:30

"Jesus is the record and mediator of our faith, for the Spirit witnesses Him in us that we may have eternal life."

"Over-comers are born of God for they have the Spirit within and Jesus Christ is the TOKEN of their faith."

"God provided the pattern for our faith which is Christ and the power through our priesthood as we build the Altar of Christ by the witness of the Spirit."

"As our humble responses grow toward our Lord by our working at our priesthood and our building the Altar of Christ within our hearts we are made perfect in His charity."

"The world is darkness, causing fear and confusion, therefore become separate unto God by His grace, having faith in Him who can soothe the fears of the heart."

"By the power of Jesus Christ, the pattern He sets for our faith and our consistent priesthood activities we overcome self, satan and the world with no fear left in our hearts, for we are perfect as He is perfect."

"Christ is our fortitude by which our faith grows daily tethering our devotion at the Altar of Christ to Him using the tools which He represents Himself through."

"Beauty may be in the eyes of the beholder, but our charity is beauty in God's eyes."

"God created us in His image and likeness, but Satan has tethered our God-code to the flesh causing confusion, which brings about feelings of betrayal, anger, lust, revenge, sorrow and loss, therefore overcome the flesh by dying to one's desires and self daily through the service of your priesthood daily at the Altar of Christ."

"The Holy Spirit cleanses the soul of iniquity, Charity is the evidence of the spirit we abide with."

"Beloved are those that hear and know the spirit of truth, for they have the foundation and pattern of Christ laid in their soul."

"Charity is the evidence of the spirit you abide with."

"He that speaks evil is of the world (moral code), but he that speaks charity (love) from sweet lips is of God."

"Contrary to truth is the false knowledge of Satan, therefore keeping your mind focused on Christ bounces Satan's knowledge off your shield of faith."

"They that open their mouth to accuse by the moral code (flesh/world) has iniquity in them, but they that offer charity (love/sacrifices) for their neighbor have equity in them through the Spirit and truth of God."

"Wisdom comes as we know God's truth and we bear forth fruit through our charity."

"By the consistent activity of our faith at the altar of Christ we are deemed righteous in God's eyes for our fruit blossoms forth through sweet lips."

"As we are separated from the world (moral code), we begin to store God's holy knowledge (truth) within our soul. building our treasures in heavenly things, not carnal things."

"Because we are of the vine (covenant), keeping our vessels full of Christ we will not wither and perish, for without covenant we are of the world (Satan's vine)."

"Our pattern for faith set by God is our standard, which is in Christ, of Christ and is Christ."

"The activity of our faith never changes, because we stay tethered with Christ by consistency, staying in agreement with God for our communication with Him through our charity."

"We have power and freedom through Christ, by our faith and priesthood, following the pattern of faith God has shown us from the beginning, allowing our communication with Him by our sweet lips."

"No man may come unto the father, but through Jesus Christ and as we take up the tools of the covenant and diligently serve in our priesthood, God deems us righteous."

"As we worship God at the Altar of Jesus Christ we are perfect in His eyes, covered with the light of Christ."

"Jesus is the Living Word and gives our Faith Life through His Government, Truth and Spirit, by our daily worship at the Altar of Christ through His Covenant."

"Satan has completely guided humanity towards darkness, so that only God's grace and our acceptance of it, can purge that darkness from our soul, through Jesus Christ, when we choose God's standard by faith."

"The elements of the Gospel are our road map for our faith, as we build our Altar with our daily devotion of priesthood we become transformed daily into the light of Christ."

"Satan seeks to remind us daily of our aspirations, but as we steadfastly use the tools of the covenant, God is covering us with his wings."

"Emotions and feelings are tied to our own record by the flesh, spoiling our expressions of love to the father, but when we submit in faith our conscience is cleared by truth, our love sings forth through our charity."

"As we follow the record of Christ the world will know us by our fruits and by our agreement in truth following the pattern God set for us through His Son Jesus Christ, therefore showing there is unity from one voice which is God, loving our brothers as we love Him."

"Jesus is the propitiation for our sins showing God's eternal love for us as He gave His only begotten Son, therefore as we utter sweet charity from our lips we are giving God our eternal love through His truth, for He is in Us and We are in Him."

"If we depart from the truth, we are inviting unclean spirits into our soul, tethering us to Satan's kingdom and eternal damnation."

"God is Love, therefore our charity is our love for God."

"If you have truth you have true discernment through the record of Christ, for if you love not, you have not Christ in you."

"As you ponder the path of your feet, establish your ways in Christ for He has established a path of righteousness, bearing the light of grace and truth for our salvation."

"As we receive the Holy Spirit we are no longer a servant of the law, for we became an heir of God through Jesus Christ."

"The light of Christ shines from our souls as we offer sweet charity from our lips."

"Because we acquire the virtues of Christ through our daily priesthood, we become bulletproof by His grace and truth, overcoming the wiles of Satan."

"When we reflect on Christ keeping our vessel full of faith, the fiery darts of lies, despair, and doubt bounce off our shield of Faith, building a strong tether to God by overcoming Satan's subtle seeds of iniquity."

"By charity we fellowship, heal and exchange our love of God, showing our love by what we have learned and in turn He heals our souls with His love for charity covers a multitude of sins."

"Charity is not a physical action, it's an invisible bond between God and ourselves that gives us true fellowship with Him."

"Our fruit bearing shows God our love by our reflecting His truth through our charity, His pleasure is in the truth reflected back from our souls."

"Christ is the propitiation for our sins and as we accept grace and allow the nurturing of the fruits of the Spirit, we no longer sin as we keep His commandments for we are in Him as He is in us."

"Grace is from God, but Salvation is not without responsibilities through the Sanctified Tools of the Covenant."

"Our choice of Faith, brings forth the Fruit of Christ as He teaches us Truth and God acknowledges them that Reciprocates by their Lips."

"From the doctrines of men comes the fruitlessness of the soil, but the Light from Above magnifies the Doctrine of Christ."

"Contradictions are born to confuse the mind, testing our Choice of Faith, but our Choice of Faith reflect the Manifestations of God, soothing our Spirit with rest and comfort."

"Victory is the sweet honey from the lips acknowledged with Grace by the Fruit of Christ."

"The terms of the Covenant bring man and God together as one, shirking the hostility between us, as we accept Him by the blood of Jesus Christ with the Power of His Resurrection."

"Faithlessness is a victory for Satan, Faithfulness is Victory with Jesus Christ."

"As we speak the holy language and offer sacrifices to the Lord, He purges our soul through the Holy Spirit."

"God offers grace for the acceptance of salvation, but we have to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling for the wicked one tries daily to sway us."

"Faith is hearing and hearing the word of God."

"As we walk in cadence with God, our souls shine as a beacon for the world."

"When we love God we follow His path, set forth through Jesus Christ, for victory over sin, the world and ourselves, by keeping His commandments."

"As our souls are purged we are reconciled back to God, by the fruit of our labor."

"Be fruitful and multiply is two fold, one to populate the world for God and two to blossom with the light of Christ."

"Believers that honor God's Commandments, show their Faith at the Altar of Christ through their Priesthood."

"When we seek the Door through Jesus Christ, we receive the Comforter, for He promises us peace."

"Through Government, Truth and Spirit we are divided from the world and Sanctified in our Priesthood by the Virtues of Christ."

"By the Things from Above we are Sanctified in our Priesthood, Perfect by the Virtues of Christ, Perfect, when we go to the bosom of the Father."

"The work of the Holy Spirit in a diligent believer removes the darkness from the heart, letting the Virtues of Christ shine through."

"A reluctant heart shrivels and dies, but the Obedient and Diligent heart bursts forth with Charity from the lips."

"God's Grace invites us into charity, peace and freedom."

"The unfaithful invite death through the flesh, but the faithful overcome the flesh through their labor at the altar, touching the Virtues of Christ."

"Wisdom is knowing, the charity from the lips is blessed."

"If the love of money is the root of evil then Satan has the world in his pocket, but those whom have the love of God have no need of money, for they will have eternity with the Father."

"Through our work at the alter of Christ, we attain clarity of mind, body and soul, conforming through God's truth as we touch the tools of His covenant."

"We have victory over sin as we daily overcome the lies of the serpent, through the elements at the altar of Christ."

"We become part of the body of Christ, as we labor with our priesthood daily."

"God's grace is like the rain, it soothes the soul with truth, mending it by the holy spirit, through our faith."

"As the angels measure the rain, God measures His grace for believers to come into covenant and grace for growth for those in covenant."

"Jesus Christ is the prototype for the pattern God set for our faith and salvation through the sprinkling of His blood on the tools of the covenant."

"By the Spirit of God our hearts are circumcised, binding and tethering us to Christ."

"God gave us Jesus Christ, then sprinkled His blood upon the tools of the covenant to make them Holy, as He is Holy, making our priesthood Holy, as He is Holy, making us Holy, as He is Holy."

"With fear and trembling we love God, for He has the power over our salvation, and through grace and truth we are humbled by His knowledge."

"Overcoming the sins of the flesh comes only when born again into the kingdom of God through the power of His grace."

"As we participate at the altar of Christ, grace and truth restores the true purpose of our faith through Jesus Christ."

"The soul is transformed by the Spirit of God as we are participating in our priesthood."

"God set the standard for our salvation through Jesus Christ."

"When we take on God's yoke we overcome ourselves, Satan and the world garnering peace and security with Jesus Christ."

"Our strength comes from God's grace and charity."

"Faith in God's truth gives us strength and stability to persevere."

"God assures the building up of faith through Jesus Christ when believers commit themselves to their priesthood by the tools of the covenant."

"Victory over sin is doing your priesthood with fervor and gratification to God that His Holy Spirit is cleansing the soul of iniquity while feeding the soul with charity."

"The King of Glory the Lord of heaven and earth broke asunder the fetters of darkness by His death on the cross for the salvation of all, He trampled death and seized the prince of hell depriving him of all his power and through covenant believers also can deprive the prince of darkness of his power through Jesus Christ."

"Through vain imaginations, Satan has swayed believers using fantasy, flattery, and finance to mock faith, but when believers have true faith through Christ by His sanctified tools they have living faith."

"Sin is a blight on the world, but through God’s covenant believers overcome that blight with the consistent daily use of the tools of His covenant that are in Jesus Christ."

"As Satan uses suggestions to open the door for his vileness, believers have the knowledge to close that door through prophesy and prayer daily by their consistent commitment to their priesthood."

"Through the Covenant of the Second Eighth Week God has lifted up a banner for all to see and He will call forth all of His from the ends of the earth and they will not be weary as they roar like a lion with His Truth and Knowledge."

"The dew of the Lord brings deliverance to all who love Him and obey Him."

"Continuance is the power believers have to study the doctrine of Christ, to pray in tongues, prophecy and reflect on the things from above, which humbles the will and gives them strength, and above all love God."

"Grace draws believers to God to enter His covenant for their salvation and victory over sin and death through Jesus Christ."

"Garner not your own aspirations, but seek the knowledge of Christ unto the baptism of fire."

"When a believer commits their lifestyle to serving God they are tethered to the temple of the New Jerusalem."

"By God’s grace believers learn God’s will for them through His glory in Jesus Christ, the first born, after the order of Melchizedek."

"Pleasures of the world are from the kingdom of darkness, but God issues His Grace daily to overcome the tribulations of our frailties."

"God’s children enter into the kingdom of Christ through His grace and by having a perpetual cleansing of the soul, birthing the virtues of Christ."

"Children of the Light are purged of all iniquity through the baptism of Fire."

"Those who have eyes of fire have Christ in their soul and see His face."

"After the order of Melchizedek, Christ gave believers a pattern for faith through Himself, by God’s will and His grace for their righteousness."

"The Lord brings believers out of Satan’s pit and out of the miry clay, setting their feet upon a rock, establishing their steps through grace, faith and His truth."

"Believers born of the spirit, tutored by angels, receiving a second birth through shedding the old man as they die to their own aspirations daily."

"As the Spirit moves upon the same track as the signature He is healing the soul as He allows believers to face their enemy."

"Through Satan’s Seat believers have been provided false doctrine and they strive to have God’s peace through their own principles, but believers of the covenant of Jesus Christ have that peace through the grace of God in truth."

"Jesus Christ is our righteousness, and as believers separate themselves from the world unto God, His expectations for faith are being met through Jesus Christ."

"A wage for wisdom, knowledge and equity is the result of truth, grace and faith through the covenant and the sanctified tools that God has given the righteous in Jesus Christ."

"Just as wisdom excels over foolishness, the Light of Christ excels over darkness."

"Believers that have hope in God’s mercy are being cleansed of iniquity as they come into covenant, serving in their priesthood, Christ is building their faith and saving their soul from death."

"When a believer chooses a lifestyle outside of covenant their faith is in crisis, but when they follow God’s plan for faith they no longer feel defeated, as they participate daily in their priesthood."

"By Grace the Righteous receive the Mystery of Christ unto Salvation and Eternal Life with Him."

"As God’s sheep dodge the piercing darts of contrary circumstances that challenge their faith, they become strong by their diligence in Christ with constant daily reflection of His perfect plan for faith."

"As believers are confronted daily with the devil, the world and themselves, they overcome these contradictions by using the tools of the covenant consistently while being mindful of Christ."

"Jesus Christ is the propitiation for our sins and by His bloodshed believers have a contact point to God that is approved by God."

"Through the false doctrine of substitution unconverted believers are separated from the terms of the covenant, but as they receive grace to overcome sin through Jesus Christ and agree to the terms of the covenant they are joined to and accepted by God."

"God sent His son Jesus Christ to bear the sins of the whole world to appease His wrath and He gave believers the door to His charity."

"The Son of God was sent for reparation of the sins of man and those who believe on Him have the forgiveness of the Father."

"With discernment a believer can make a distinction between truth and false teachings by the wisdom and grace of God that He is teaching, through their diligence in their priesthood and faith in Jesus Christ."

"As we labor at the Altar of Christ the truth is being tethered to our souls by the stewardship of our teachers as we embrace God's grace with a positive response by the charity that flows from our lips."

"Building the Altar of our faith comes by using the tokens given by God as a pattern for our faith, which is Christ."

"Spying out the actions of others thinking ourselves wise, we feed our aspirations to mirror God, but we are using the moral code (flesh) to place ourselves above the actions of others and this is Satan's wiles, for he will use anything of the flesh to distract us from the truth."

"The moral code is a governor for our actions placed within us by God, but Satan has twisted the meaning of the code for his own benefit."

"The flesh does not and can not please God."

"Christ is confirmed in the scriptures and faith is tasked to do the same, for Christ is the pattern, power and token of our faith."

"Reciprocation is the greatest response to grace as we apply the tools and tokens of God for our faith."

"The activity of our faith never changes, because we stay consistent in our priesthood staying in agreement with God for our communication with Him."

"The power and freedom through Christ makes His yoke light and His burden easy for the joy of our souls is witnessed by our charity."

"Our priesthood labor for our faith has not changed, God still requires an agreement and commitment for consistency, conformity and communication with Him."

Sites of Interest

Second 8th Week Ministries
Second 8th Week Student Resources
Apostolic Governance
God's Prophetic Move
Apostle Eric's Blog
S8W Ministries Online Assemblies

Suggested Reading Antichrist Code, The Blueprint of Deception. By: Eric vonAndeseck


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